Hammerhead Shark
Suggestions about Good trading practices and how to avoid problems.
Due to quite a few recent emails, i think it might be a good idea if we list some good ideas and practices that would help trades go smooth, while reducing the chance for problems.
Feel free to respond to this with some constructive ideas about how to avoid problems.
NOTE: do not use this thread for conversation.
Here are some tips for trading
Before the sale.
1: Be honest and sincere. If your item has a missing part, state that in the item description.
2: Post prices with your items. If you are unsure of the price, ask for a price check. Without prices, people tend to start "bidding" on items. While this often will lead to selling for a few bucks more, it leads one or more parties upset after the trade. In order to help keep things running smooth and to stop problems from forming, "bidding" is being avoided.
4: Keep up to date with your threads. If an item is sold, please edit the thread and let people know.
AFTER the sale.
3: Obtain a mailing address for the other party. Personally, i request references and a phone number as well. This helps me not get ripped off. A phone number is nice to call and validate that you are talking to a real person. References are a good way to see how a person has performed in the past. Do not feel bad about e-mailing a reference and asking a few questions. Most people are more than happy to help.
4: Make sure that you ship your item using good packaging. Some people have shipped parts in anything from an envelope, to a gym sock. That would be a "no, no".
5: Anti static wrap and soft packing materials (peanuts, bubble wrap, etc.) are essential to helping your electronics survive the journey. While the post office or UPS may take great care of the box, you always have to plan for the worse.
6: Maintain communication. Its really bad when you send your item off and the other party never replies to you. Granted, you might get the item, but there are still a few days where your unsure of what is going on. To avoid this, try and maintain good communication. If you have to ship an item late, or some emergency came up, just keep the other person informed. Most of the time, people are understanding and just want to be kept in the loop.
If a trade goes bad:
7: First and foremost, do *NOT* post any ridicule and derogatory comments. In most cases, trades that are thought to have gone bad are quite simply the result of a lack in communication. There is no point in ruining someone's reputation over a lack of communication.
8: Personally, i would suggest giving the person at least a week to reply to any e-mail before even concidering taking any further action.
9: Taking further action. Well, i will not say what to do here, as it is not my call. There are a few place you have the option to contact though. First, the internet fraud and complaint center. This is a national agency specializing ininternet related, white collar crimes. http://www1.ifccfbi.gov/index.asp
Second, the local postmaster. If you use USPS, you can always try talking to the postmaster and see how you can solve the situation. I do not know how UPS or Fedex does things. You might be able to talk to them as well.
If all else fails and you lost enough money, you can always try our court system, but realize that it imposes some serious penalties to the other party. I'd resort to this, only if forced to. In most cases, people will come through if you simply talk to them. It is only when they have lost everything that they tend to not care. (IE you post a thread with their name and info calling them a troll, so they the feel its pointless to repair the situation now since their rep is ruined, anyhow.)
Keep in mind that all of these are only suggestions and nothing from this thread is forced. I was just receiving a large number of e-mails about this exact topic, and felt it easier to post one thread.
Please feel free to add any constructive comments or ideas.
Contact me via email
AIM: CaTaLyST 4131
Heat Feedback
My Rig:
e8400 @ 4050, XFX 680i Tri SLI, 4 Gig OCZ DDR2, 8800 GT OC SLI, Antec 900, etc.
Mako Shark
Also might want to add something in about thread crapping
Nothing to see here. Move along.
Lurking all the time
Good point krazie. I'll put the moderator title next to your idea and claim it as my own! 
Please don't crap in people's threads. If you don't like someone's prices, please consult them via PM or email, don't put it in the thread.
Re: Suggestions about Good trading practices and how to avoid problems.
Originally posted by CaTaLyST
Second, the local postmaster. If you use USPS, you can always try talking to the postmaster and see how you can solve the situation. I do not know how UPS or Fedex does things. You might be able to talk to them as well.
SELLERS: When you send the item USPS, consider sending it certified, or, at the very least, with delivery confirmation. That way, you can track the package and tell when/if it was delivered. Certified is a couple of bucks, but delivery confirmation is only $0.35, small price to pay for peace of mind. If you send UPS, the package will be tracked automatically. This will guard against the rare unscrupulous buyer that receives the item but claims not to have, or, in the event the package is erroneously delivered.
"Gentlemen. You can't fight in here. This is the War Room."
Giga-byte GA-7dxr+
AMD 1.2/266 FSB
Seagate 40GB
delta 8x DVD-ROM
SB Live! Audigy
Antec 300W power supply w/ 3 case fans
Great White Shark
Actually, delivery confirmation is $0.40, but it's available free online. I don't have the direct free DC link handy, but you can also download the USPS Shipping Assistant. It calcuates postage, estimated day of delivery to different locations, etc..as well as providing free delivery confirmations for Priority shipping.
Heatware - 50+/0/0
GIGABYTE GA-P55M-UD3 - Core i5 750 - 4Gb DDR3-1600 - Enermax 720w - Sapphire Radeon HD 5870 - 1Tb WD Black - 1Tb Samsung Spinpoint F2 - 1.5Tb Seagate 7200.11 - LG GGC-H20L HD DVD/Blu-ray - Samsung SyncMaster 205BW - Vizio 42" 1080P - Logitech Z560 - Logitech MX1000 - Windows 7 Professional
Radeon Mod
if you send something and
the buyer doesnt send the money,
the buyer can tell the company not
to deliver it, right?
Life is like a game of cards. The hand that is dealt you is determinism; the way you play it is free will.[/COLOR][/SIZE]
Reef Shark
Use http://www.heatware.com This is where traders evaluations are done for fine forums such as Sharky.
Check the Bad Trader List A little bit of time may save you from being trolled. And yes Killer1nstinct is on the list.
Re: Re: Suggestions about Good trading practices and how to avoid problems.
Originally posted by drstrangelove
SELLERS: When you send the item USPS, consider sending it certified, or, at the very least, with delivery confirmation. That way, you can track the package and tell when/if it was delivered. Certified is a couple of bucks, but delivery confirmation is only $0.35, small price to pay for peace of mind. If you send UPS, the package will be tracked automatically. This will guard against the rare unscrupulous buyer that receives the item but claims not to have, or, in the event the package is erroneously delivered.

USPS priority mail with delivery confirmation is what i ALWAYS use, and its by far one of the best ways to gain customer confidence in you. Its fast enough shipping (2-3days) for the buyer, and cost-effective enough for the seller (under $5 WITH DELIVERY CONFIRMATION for anything under 2lbs.). Compare that to UPS that is at least $7, and takes a whole week to arrive to the customer (maybe even 10 days).
no one else will admit to it
Great White Shark
Re: Re: Re: Suggestions about Good trading practices and how to avoid problems.
Originally posted by chosenfool

USPS priority mail with delivery confirmation is what i ALWAYS use, and its by far one of the best ways to gain customer confidence in you. Its fast enough shipping (2-3days) for the buyer, and cost-effective enough for the seller (under $5 WITH DELIVERY CONFIRMATION for anything under 2lbs.). Compare that to UPS that is at least $7, and takes a whole week to arrive to the customer (maybe even 10 days).
Yeah - that's what I use..Priority w/electronic DC. It's great, especially as shipping supplies (boxes, Priority stickers, packing tape) are all free if you use Priority
Heatware - 50+/0/0
GIGABYTE GA-P55M-UD3 - Core i5 750 - 4Gb DDR3-1600 - Enermax 720w - Sapphire Radeon HD 5870 - 1Tb WD Black - 1Tb Samsung Spinpoint F2 - 1.5Tb Seagate 7200.11 - LG GGC-H20L HD DVD/Blu-ray - Samsung SyncMaster 205BW - Vizio 42" 1080P - Logitech Z560 - Logitech MX1000 - Windows 7 Professional
about ruining names
It is correct to hold back from web crapping the person you are dealing with; however, if the phone number they gave you no longer works, and you send about a dozen emails to two different email addresses that you originally received replies from, and you no longer receive replies...you are probably scammed.
Additionally, even if the delivery is regestered, it still does not always help, for the courier does not know what you have actually wrapped into a box...keep that in mind. It may be a hard drive or actually a dead rat( this is an example).
Never send money orders, but use something like paypal or Visa if it is a company purchase. There is a chance that Visa can reverse the charges and paypal is proof that money was sent for a product.
Joe Cimmarrusti
"The Muffin Man" who really dislikes trolls
Epox 8kta3
amd 1.4(recently purchased)
Antec 400 WAtt ps pp403X
512 cas 2 micron ram
Panasync SL 19" monitor
brother hl-1660 laser
epson photo 875dc
Cd-Writer plus 8200 External
60" gig IBM7200
Hollywood Plus Dvd Decoder w remote
Hitachi Dvd 4x
Asus 6600 (Geforce 32meg DDR)
" Those you discipline and teach today, may provide you with prune juice later in life! "
Mako Shark
Re: about ruining names
Originally posted by joecmma
Never send money orders, but use something like paypal or Visa if it is a company purchase. There is a chance that Visa can reverse the charges and paypal is proof that money was sent for a product.
Joe Cimmarrusti
That is some good advice, but I have even heard stories where Paypal will not back you up if you get the shaft. People have actually delt w/ online stores, paid by paypal, got trolled, and paypal did nothing. It is not really their policy. I prefer to use my Amex Blue, b/c they offer way better protection.
Nothing to see here. Move along.
What about someone that closes a deal by email to the point that he has said he will inform you when the money is in the mail and then you later find out he bought the same item from someone else without letting you know? The item was ready to ship out to him USPS with DC when the MO was received.
In the meantime, you're holding the item for him and not taking other offers in good faith that he will contact you. IMO, that's a troll and is someone to be avoided. Tell me if I'm wrong.
I'd like to post his name along with the history of the trade (copies of the email correspondence) to let people know to be careful when dealing with him. Trading on the internet has a certain degree of good faith in it, and he didn't show any IMO. Anyway, I've emailed the guy to let him explain why he didn't get back to me, before I do post his name or anything.
If posting his name here in the Feedback/For Sale section with a warning to others and the reason is inappropriate, please let me know. My purpose is not to ruin his name, but only to warn others so they don't waste their time.
Athlon XP 1900+ (unlocked=>2000+)
Thermalright AX-7 with 46.9 cfm Panaflo U1A fan
Soyo SY-K7V Dragon Plus Bios 2BA1
1 GB (2X512 MB) Samsung PC2700 DDR Ram
Gainward Geforce4 Ti4600 750XP Golden Sample
2 X WD 120 GB HD with 8 MB Cache
Lian-Li PC68 Case modded with 92 mm Panaflo side intake and 80 mm blowhole
ANTEC Truepower 550 W
NEX 1375X 22" Monitor
Sony Triniton 19" Monitor (Micron)
Klipsch 4.1's
RAZER BOOMSLANG 2000 Mouse (It's the MF'ing bomb--BONG!)
Mako Shark
Re: Question
Yeah, man I feel you. It happens at a paintball forum I go to all the time. Besides being unprofessional, I think it is downright rude. It's happened to me before on these boards too. I was going to sell my N64 to someone, (I can't even remember who anymore), and he said he was going to send out the MO that night. So, I cleaned up my N64, got it all packed up and ready to be shipped. I wait a couple days, he's still a no-show to emails. I wait about 2 weeks, and catch him on AIM, and he says, "Oh, I picked up a N64 from a guy at school, so I dont' want yours anymore." It made me mad that I could have sold it to someone else, and the N64 is still in the box ready to be shipped at my house. Don't be rude, and DOn't be flaky. ! 
Originally posted by NACZ3
What about someone that closes a deal by email to the point that he has said he will inform you when the money is in the mail and then you later find out he bought the same item from someone else without letting you know? The item was ready to ship out to him USPS with DC when the MO was received.
In the meantime, you're holding the item for him and not taking other offers in good faith that he will contact you. IMO, that's a troll and is someone to be avoided. Tell me if I'm wrong.
I'd like to post his name along with the history of the trade (copies of the email correspondence) to let people know to be careful when dealing with him. Trading on the internet has a certain degree of good faith in it, and he didn't show any IMO. Anyway, I've emailed the guy to let him explain why he didn't get back to me, before I do post his name or anything.
If posting his name here in the Feedback/For Sale section with a warning to others and the reason is inappropriate, please let me know. My purpose is not to ruin his name, but only to warn others so they don't waste their time.
Nothing to see here. Move along.
I feel everyone should use a Paypal, none of this money order.. is there any other better money transfering out there?
maybe someone should open an escrow transferring .. where both party has to sign off before the money transaction is made.
but the buyer will have to send the amount to the escrow.
anyone following what i am saying? (it seemed better in my head.)
bah.. anyways.. something need to be done. everyone should just be honest..
What you gonna do?!?
I heard that using COD's was a good idea. i'm not quite sure what they are so if anybody knows information is much appreciated.
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