Texan Dragon Moderator
Tutorials and Other Useful Programming Links
I don't know why I never suggested or did this before.... What I want here is a compilation of good programming tutorials and, in general, a reference section for any and/or all programming languages, centralized in a single thread. Sound good to y'all?
Book suggestions are suitable for this thread as well. Oh yeah, SPAM is bad, m'kay? This is not a free post thread, so don't treat it as such.
Database is now open for entries here.
Dragon of the OC Crusaders
Break the rules and you're snack food for this dragon...
Ive saw this posted on the forums before to learn c++. Pretty good site.
Texan Dragon Moderator
There is always the starting point for Java:
And a good one for Perl
Dragon of the OC Crusaders
Break the rules and you're snack food for this dragon...
Ursus Arctos Moderatis
Regular Expressions
Expensive Sushi
For information on function pointers in C: function-pointer.org
A nice book on OCaml is free online: O'Reilly's Developing Applications with Objective Caml
A really weird introduction to Ruby is Why's Poignant Guide to Ruby
The first edition of Programming Ruby is available online as well.
A decent introduction to regular expressions is on regular-expressions.info.
For PHP, nothing's better than the manual.
If you want to learn about Scheme (or computer programming in general, really), the ever popular "Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs" from MIT is available online (http://mitpress.mit.edu/sicp/full-text/book/book.html) and has accompanying video lectures!
Also of use to lots of other things is MIT's OpenCourseWare.
Last edited by cjohnson; 10-24-2004 at 09:06 AM.
<wik> /bin/finger that girl in the back row of machines
www.w3schools.com has great references and tutorials for HTML, CSS, Javascript, PHP, ... etc. Pretty much everything web related.
Sleeps with the Fishes
Torry's Delphi Pages -
Delphi SuperPage -
Borland Community -

* They're pretty much all a Delphi/Object Pascal person needs for developing true, stand-alone, FAST executeable files for Linux using Kylix, or Win32/.NET apps using Delphi!
Safari Bookshelf
One of the best references period... It has most if not all of Oreilly's books up for read and its free if you are in a university.
~The black wind howls..~
My c0mp:
-AMD Athlon XP1800
-SK6 w/ Delta 60mm
-Shuttle AK31 (kt266a)
-512mb CRUCIAL PC2100
-ATi Radeon8500 retail
-40 gig IBM 60GXP
-Plextor 16/10/40A
-Pioneer 106S DVD-rom
-Game Theater XP
-Sony MDR-V6
what operating system can i use to write and view the programs?
I don't roll on Shabbos!
 Originally Posted by deathtech20
what operating system can i use to write and view the programs?
It all depends. Most programming is done through Windows, but all the main OS's can write programs. As long as it has a text editor. To compile, you need a compatible operating system. I would recommend Windows. You need to install the programming library for the language you want to use and then I would recommend getting a good programming environment such as Eclispe. These give you realtime code debugging and suggestions. Some even come with templates and tutorials.
If you are fresh, it will probably take a day or so just to set your computer up correctly to program.
PC: Corsair 550D
4280k | Asus Rampage Gene | Mushkin 4x4GB | EVGA 780
Intel 120GB SSD + 2TB Seagate | Seasonic 660 Plat
2x Alphacool XT45 | Laing DDC | Bitspower
Currently playing: Civ 5
Last Game Beaten: Walking Dead
 Originally Posted by Chronus
 Originally Posted by cjohnson
thanks for this helpful links
BitDegree offers a ton of free courses that range from programming to game development. They offer standard online courses and gamified courses. Gamified courses help to bring achievements and interaction into the learning process. All you have to do is choose your language and start learning.
 Originally Posted by elwishfour
BitDegree offers a ton of free courses that range from programming to game development. They offer standard online courses and gamified courses. Gamified courses help to bring achievements and interaction into the learning process. All you have to do is choose your language and start learning.
I have never heard about BitDegree and just checked it. It looks promising.
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