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Thread: Prototype

  1. #1
    Hammerhead Shark
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    Ever since I started playing UT2004 online I’ve found it very hard to finish single player games. I wanted an Xbox 360 just for Gears of War, and to this day, I have yet to beat it. I bought the Special Edition of Grand Theft Auto 4 and just stopped playing it mid-game. For some reason or another I just lose interest despite the games being relatively decent (well, except Gears).

    Prototype broke me. From the second I was thrust into the game, thoughts of mid-air karate kicking would not leave my mind. Laying in bed at night I would picture Alex Mercer carelessly running through New York, smacking people and toppling over cars lest they get in his path of destruction. What is wrong with me? Do I truly wish to accomplish something I have not done in so many years? Am I actually developing the urge to…beat this game?

    Yeah, I was, and yes, I did.

    Prototype is considered to be one of those sandbox superhero games, which means you have super human powers and the world is yours to wreak havoc upon. If you’re playing this game for its in-depth story, you’ll be sadly disappointed. While Prototype has a story, it’s so convoluted and confusing often times you’ll find yourself leaning back and saying, “What does that even mean?”

    Quick and dirty: Military tested biological warfare virus “Blacklight” in Hope, Idaho. Elizabeth Greene and her son survive the outbreak of the virus and are put into containment for research. Military continues research of Blacklight with company GENTEK. After numerous GENTEK employees begin disappearing, Alex Mercer decides to steal the virus as a form life insurance. Alex gets cornered by Blackwatch members (special forces people) and ends up destroying the vial containing the virus thus releasing it to the city of New York. After waking up on an operating table, Alex no longer possess memory of his past and can perform curiously amazing feats, such as leaping over a very high fence or survive being shot.

    The meat of the game involves you playing a flashback essentially, as occasionally you’ll be treated to a CGI movie of Mercer speaking to a masked soldier about how everything went down. The story progesses similarly to GTA3 in that you complete “missions.” To successfully complete these missions you’ll need to upgrade Alex’s powers with experience points. Don’t fret about not having enough points though as the game hands them out like buckets of candy. That doesn’t mean the game turns into an overpowered borefest though. This games difficulty ramps up hard and fast, throwing every punch it can and more. I’m not gonna lie to you, I became extremely frustrated at certain points. The amount of curse words flowing from my mouth would have made Scarface shudder in terror.

    Is that such a bad thing though? When I finished the game I actually welcomed the extreme difficulty. It’s something that video games have been lacking as of recently. Take a look back at recent games that hold your hand all the way though, never truly allowing you to break free from that grasp. You’re not my mom, let go of me. Prototype not only lets go of your hand, it picks you up and hurls you at a brick wall.

    While the graphics aren’t going to make you **** your pants, they certainly aren’t 5.5 out of 10 bad (I’m looking at you, IGN). I played the game on my computer at the highest possible settings so I’m sure it looked better than its console counterparts. Even though the graphics weren’t A+ material they never took away from how much fun the game was and that’s all that matters to me. Oh, and to address something that Eurogamer said: “Radical includes Crackdown-style orbs, but the poor draw distance means you stumble onto them rather than really discovering them…” I’m sorry, but were you playing the game on dated hardware? I had no issue spotting the hidden packages and didn’t really experience any sort of draw distance issue. Also, of course you stumble onto them: they’re called hidden packages for a reason.

    Bottom line: Prototype is a balls-out action game that never stops challenging your gaming skill. Most reviewers bashed the game due to the difficulty but I’ve decided to praise it. Not since Donkey Kong have I literally cursed out a game. If you’re in the mood for some mindless and stupid-amazing fun, don’t hesitate to check out Prototype. While it may not be a must buy it certainly is worth a rental or two.

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  2. #2
    Has got that jut monroeski's Avatar
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    Started this up recently, and am most of the way through, and I agree with most of the stuff in the OP. Story is groan inducing at points, and the controls seem a little convoluted (not having much trouble now, but I imagine if I stopped playing for a month or more I would come back and not know what the hell is going on), but the game is a LOT of fun.

    I love that from the get-go you feel pretty badass, what with being able to run up the sides of buildings, run basically anywhere without worrying about what's in your way, do the awesome homing jumpkick, etc., and as soon as you hit free-roam you already have 100,000 points or so to spend on new powers.
    Last edited by monroeski; 08-19-2009 at 10:37 AM.
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  3. #3
    "Watches You Sleep" Shark taggart6's Avatar
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    I enjoyed the game for what it was till the ending.

    The ending is horrible. The final battle sucks all the fun out of the game.
    If we hit that bull's eye, the rest of the dominoes will fall like a house of cards. Checkmate.

  4. #4
    Has got that jut monroeski's Avatar
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    Nov 2002
    Alright, the first fight with the
    just about drove me to murder, but I ended up just stealing the tank a few times and was able to take him out that way. Last night, though, I got through the
    and god DAMN was that **** frustrating. After getting pissed that it was taking forever, I hit up some FAQs to see if there was a better way to do it, and they all seem to recommend the Air Groundspike Graveyard devastator, but I didn't have that, so I was forced to just run away for a bit, consume a bunch of random people, then run back and hope I was able to get close enough to use a regular ground-based Groundspike Graveyard before I took too much damage to do it.

    Took for damn EVER. I'm probably going to get to the final (famously cheap and frustrating) boss and just say screw it.
    Comp - i7 950, Radeon HD 5870, 6gb DDR3 1600
    Currently Playing - Gravity Rush 2, DOOM (2017), Nex Machina
    Currently Reading - Dracula by Bram Stoker

  5. #5
    Hammerhead Shark
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    Yeah it took me forever to beat that boss. The final boss really isn't too hard if you know what to do.


    Windows 7 Professional x64
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  6. #6
    Great White Shark mikeysg's Avatar
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    Is the gfx any good? I'm somewhat of a gfx *** but have been known to enjoy games with not-so-great Wolfenstein. My major concern is the controls.....I hate having to learn a whole buncha keys and combos just for one game....kinda older now and its true the saying about 'can't teach an old dog new tricks'.
    Save Ana

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  7. #7
    Master of the obvious Adisharr's Avatar
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    I enjoyed the game for a while but from the sounds of it I'm not going to bother finishing it.
    ...WAIT FOR IT

  8. #8
    Has got that jut monroeski's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by mikeysg View Post
    Is the gfx any good? I'm somewhat of a gfx *** but have been known to enjoy games with not-so-great Wolfenstein. My major concern is the controls.....I hate having to learn a whole buncha keys and combos just for one game....kinda older now and its true the saying about 'can't teach an old dog new tricks'.
    Graphics aren't bad. I've heard a number of criticisms, but I don't generally get caught up in technical details and I haven't noticed anything glaringly bad (though I've been playing on a 20" TV, so that may be hiding some stuff).
    Comp - i7 950, Radeon HD 5870, 6gb DDR3 1600
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  9. #9
    "Watches You Sleep" Shark taggart6's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by monroeski View Post
    Alright, the first fight with the
    just about drove me to murder, but I ended up just stealing the tank a few times and was able to take him out that way. Last night, though, I got through the
    and god DAMN was that **** frustrating. After getting pissed that it was taking forever, I hit up some FAQs to see if there was a better way to do it, and they all seem to recommend the Air Groundspike Graveyard devastator, but I didn't have that, so I was forced to just run away for a bit, consume a bunch of random people, then run back and hope I was able to get close enough to use a regular ground-based Groundspike Graveyard before I took too much damage to do it.

    Took for damn EVER. I'm probably going to get to the final (famously cheap and frustrating) boss and just say screw it.
    I know your pain. Some of the boss fights are stupid.

    The final boss fight is beyond stupid cheap.
    If we hit that bull's eye, the rest of the dominoes will fall like a house of cards. Checkmate.

  10. #10
    Has got that jut monroeski's Avatar
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    Beat the final boss today.

    Overall, pretty damn fun game. Not an all time classic or anything, but I got out of it what I wanted, which was to do things like jumpkick helicopters.
    Comp - i7 950, Radeon HD 5870, 6gb DDR3 1600
    Currently Playing - Gravity Rush 2, DOOM (2017), Nex Machina
    Currently Reading - Dracula by Bram Stoker

  11. #11
    Hammerhead Shark
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    Quote Originally Posted by mikeysg View Post
    Is the gfx any good? I'm somewhat of a gfx *** but have been known to enjoy games with not-so-great Wolfenstein. My major concern is the controls.....I hate having to learn a whole buncha keys and combos just for one game....kinda older now and its true the saying about 'can't teach an old dog new tricks'.
    This isn't the game for a graphics snob. Also, it's best played with a USB controller; preferably the Xbox 360 controller.

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  12. #12
    Mako Shark Snakespy's Avatar
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    Sonic have you ever played Crackdown? I haven't played prototype and honestly don't think I ever will unless I get a Gamefly account. But from your review it really seems like you would enjoy a game like Crackdown. It has the exact same superhero sandbox feel to it and then some. Crackdown 2 is coming out soon too I believe so maybe you would like to give that one a try (and its shiny new graphics) instead of the original its up to you.
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  13. #13
    Hammerhead Shark
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    I heard about Crackdown. A friend of mine got it and did nothing but rave about it but I didn't have the cash to pick it up.
    Last edited by Dark Sonic; 09-23-2009 at 10:33 AM.

    Windows 7 Professional x64
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  14. #14
    "Watches You Sleep" Shark taggart6's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dark Sonic View Post
    I heard about Crackdown. A friend of mine got it and did nothing but rave about it but I didn't have the cash to pick it up.
    You can get it for $5 to $10 used now. Worth checking out. part 2 comes out sometime next year IIRC.
    If we hit that bull's eye, the rest of the dominoes will fall like a house of cards. Checkmate.

  15. #15
    Hammerhead Shark
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    I might. I've got so many games on my plate right now with no time to play them. School ruining everything.

    Windows 7 Professional x64
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