Canon "compatible" printer cartridges--can I use or did I get abused?

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Thread: Canon "compatible" printer cartridges--can I use or did I get abused?

  1. #1
    Catfish humblejohn's Avatar
    Join Date
    Oct 2000
    mental hospital

    Question Canon "compatible" printer cartridges--can I use or did I get abused?

    Bought G&G (made in China) compatible Canon BCI-6 cartridges. Says on cartridge box-" no chip". I am afraid I have

    screwed up. (seller) claims these cartridges are compatible with the canon i9900 printer but I have to

    know whether the cartridges must have a "chip". If the i9900 must have cartridges with chips then

    has hosed me off. I have many pictures to print and I use expensive canon photo paper-can I use these cartridges or

    not? Thanks in advance. (using w-xp on desktop pc).
    Last edited by humblejohn; 11-27-2012 at 10:12 PM.
    dell 4600c w/19 lcd ; 2.4 p4, 80 g hd
    nvidia geforce 4 mx 440 w agp8x

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